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What Is an Emancipated Minor?

Michael Pollick
Updated: Jun 04, 2024
Views: 421,116

An emancipated minor is a child who has been granted the status of adulthood by a court order or other formal arrangement. This status is not automatically bestowed on minors who have simply moved away from their parents' homes, however. The majority of legally emancipated minors are working teenagers who have demonstrated the ability to support themselves financially. For example, a professional actress or musician who is at least 14 years old is more likely to be considered an emancipated minor than a runaway who works part-time for minimum wage.

In many countries when a child reaches what is known as the age of majority — often 18 years old — he or she is said to be fully emancipated from parental control. This means that he or she can enjoy all the privileges and responsibilities of adulthood, such as voting, marriage and financial independence. For certain children who are younger than this age, however, adult-level responsibilities and independence are already a reality, and many of them have become emancipated minors.

Ways to Become an Emancipated Minor

In many countries, such as the United States, there are three main ways for a teenager to become emancipated:

Court Petition

The first method is to demonstrate to a court that he or she is financially independent and that his or her parents or legal guardians have no objections to his or her living arrangements. A petition usually is filed in a family court, and the judge can decide whether to approve it. This decision is often left up to a judge in order to prevent disgruntled teenagers from arbitrarily leaving their homes and declaring themselves to be emancipated. Becoming an emancipated minor through financial independence is often not a matter of separating from parents but rather a means for successful teens to protect their assets.

In most places, a person becomes an emancipated minor by filing a legal petition for emancipation. These can be found at local courthouses, and may require a filing fee. Legal experts warn that while it is possible to file a request for a fee waiver, it is possible that the court will take a waiver request as a sign that a teen is not financially independent. If possible, consider visiting a free legal aid clinic or hiring a lawyer to help with emancipation paperwork.

After the paperwork is filed, a judge will set a hearing date if he or she thinks there is grounds for the case. At the hearing, both the parents and the minor can present evidence for or against emancipation. The judge will make a decision based on this evidence, which will serve as a final judgment to allow or not allow emancipation.


Another common way to earn emancipated minor status is to become legally married. This option typically does not supersede other laws governing the age of consent to marry, however. For example, a 12-year-old girl who is seeking emancipated minor status cannot become legally married until she has reached the age of consent where she lives. If the law allows someone who is younger than the age of consent to marry with parental consent, then it would be possible for that child to marry and become an emancipated minor.

Getting married solely to achieve emancipation can be a very risky proposition, and may even be considered fraudulent in some places. 

Military Service

A third means of becoming an emancipated minor is to enlist in the military. This has become increasingly difficult in many places because of policies concerning educational, age and other requirements. During times when a military organization is in greater need of personnel, these requirements might be waived or lowered, allowing a minor to enlist more easily. After a minor is officially inducted into military service, he or she is typically is automatically granted emancipated minor status.

With parental and official consent, a person can achieve emancipation by joining the military. In order to join the military before adulthood, a signed waiver from parents or guardians is required. Forging a waiver signature may be grounds for disciplinary action, dismissal, or even criminal charges.

Abuse and Neglect

Minors who are being abused by their parents may want to consider alerting child protective services or the police as well as filing for emancipation. Physical or sexual abuse and neglect are criminal actions in most places, and a judge may very well consider any criminal reports of abuse when making an emancipation decision. In addition, reporting abuse can open the door to other viable options for those that are not financially independent, such as transferring guardianship to a trustworthy relative.

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Michael Pollick
By Michael Pollick
As a frequent contributor to MyLawQuestions, Michael Pollick uses his passion for research and writing to cover a wide range of topics. His curiosity drives him to study subjects in-depth, resulting in informative and engaging articles. Prior to becoming a professional writer, Michael honed his skills as an English tutor, poet, voice-over artist, and DJ.
Discussion Comments
By anon1000874 — On Jan 17, 2019

I just want to be emancipated for the sake of not ruining my father's name.

By anon999224 — On Nov 17, 2017

I am 19 years old and I'm also independent from my dad's taxes, and also I wanted to move out of state for further studies in New York. As for now, I live in Indiana. Also I will be full time employee. What do I have to do to be an emancipated minor? The college wants me to be independent and work and pay my assets and earn about $7500 a year. If I do so, will I be an emancipated minor? Or do have other things to do along with this?

By anon999113 — On Oct 30, 2017

Are there any kids who don't have divorced parents that want emancipation? I want to have one staying in my home for food and shelter and love. It's really hard to read these posts.

By anon989527 — On Mar 10, 2015

Legal emancipation is a serious matter. You will not be awarded the status of "emancipated" just because you don't like your living arrangements or because you don't want to go to school or because your parents do not support you. Emancipation is granted in cases where parents are absent in medical emergencies, when the minor makes sufficient money to be completely independent. This does not apply to minors who are being supported by boyfriends or their children's fathers. Without marriage, this is not a legal reason for emancipation.

Also, if you are a "dependent" in tax status for your parents, it will be harder to fight for emancipation. This is not for runaways or for teens who wish to start their own families. This is mostly utilized for teens who's parents are not present at all, not considered legally competent to make decisions on behalf of their children (abusers, drug-addicts, mental problems) and you can completely, 100 percent provide for yourself including housing, high school education or GED, and adequate living environment. If you're a minor with a child, these same rules apply.

By anon350692 — On Oct 07, 2013

First, it is sad that many of the posts involve kids involved in abuse. I'm a father of three beautiful girls and I don't have any boys. But to the girl whose brothers are sick men, I don't blame her for wanting out.

As a father, if they were my boys, I'd be in jail and they would be beat to an inch of their life. I hope you can rise from this to become a beautiful person. Keep a strong mind and a strong will and never give up or give in to anything and stay away from drugs. God bless.

By anon335308 — On May 19, 2013

It's tough now, I'm 17 earning my AA and HS next year at the same time. Every time I come home, it's like the cold war in my house. I realize that family is important, but when you come home and see that this isn't a family, it hurts.

I want to get emancipated so that I can start my own life without this negativity of my mother and older brother. So much pressure and neglect. I have thought of suicide just to get away, anything. Buafter t reading everyone else's problems, even though it's hard, I wouldn't be able to deal with what everyone else is going through. My problems seem so insignificant.

I just wanted to say keep going, keep trying. Not everything will stay as it is. Hard work pays off, you deserve a better future and you will get it. Even if you were put here with these terrible people, don't let them ruin your life. My heart goes out to all of you. You were given a life and no one has the right to take it away from you. There is always more than one choice, and things are not always what they seem.

And I hope that either you get emancipated or you could stay strong enough to hit 18, you will have a better life and future because you already passed the hardest points of life.

By anon322052 — On Feb 25, 2013

I feel the need to be emancipated, because I was sexually abused by two of my brothers. One of them is going to be 22 soon, and the other just turned 27. I never told anyone but trustworthy friends. I've had three different locks on my door, but the 27 year old brother, continuously found a way in, during my sleep.

I'm about to be 17 in two and half weeks. I was wondering if I should wait another year until I'm 18, but I just can't wait anymore. The only place in the house I found the safest was the bathroom, or outside of the house, but I can't be outside of the house when it's dark. My parents won't let me. Curfew for minors is 11 p.m. in Colorado as far as I know, but to my parents, it's before dark.

I can't live like I'm constantly caged, and being kept in the most dangerous place, which in my case, is "home". I'm the only daughter, and the youngest. I have three brothers, two who have molested me, and the other I'm constantly fighting with. It seems like I'm constantly fighting with my dad as well. My mom is just an angel towards me. but living at home like this is not what I need. I feel like I've cried almost every night and I'm scared constantly. I can't even be in my own room safely.

I love my mom to bits and pieces, but I just can't live like this for another year. I don't tell my mom anything, because she will never understand. I told her countless times that I want to explore the world. I already know the hardships: going to school, work, pay bills, rent, groceries, and cleaning the house. I've known all of that since I was 10. My mom just wants to protect me, and I understand. But what she doesn't know is, she's dragging me back to the most dangerous place, but she doesn't know, and I don't blame her. It's my fault that she doesn't know, but because my parents and my brother that I constantly fight with don't know, is because they always say my older brothers are fine, perfect men. They've never done anything wrong. But if they knew the truth, I wouldn't be able to destroy my older brothers' lives, and my parents' image of them. I wouldn't be able to look at my parents in the eyes again, so would I be able to still get emancipated?

By anon320358 — On Feb 17, 2013

I am 16 and I make 8,000 a week, not saying how. I hate living with my parents because it is always arguments and violence. I am applying for emancipation soon so wish me good luck.

By anon305056 — On Nov 24, 2012

I am 15 years old almost 16. I have no dad at all. I have a mother who drinks and beats me and I've been living with that my whole life and I think I need to leave and change my life.

I want to move in with my boyfriend. He's 18, and he has a job and everything. I might be pregnant on top of that. Do you think I can become a emancipated minor? Please, I don't want to live in hell anymore.

By Adambome — On Oct 29, 2012

I am 14 years old and don't have family problems but my best friend and I want to move out because we were told that we couldn't make it without our mom and dad, which I believe, but we want to show them that we are okay on our own, and that we can make it. That's all. Our mom and dad both said it was okay but we don't think we can get it by a judge. Does anyone think that sounds O.K.?

By anon299841 — On Oct 26, 2012

I'm 16 years old and my parents don't have the money to take care of both me and my sister. Both my parents are drunks and smokers so they can't afford to pay our bills.

I had a job this summer and made pretty good money and I used a lot of it to help keep us in our home. I'm trying to find another job. We have an eviction notice, our utilities are getting shut off, our phones will be shut off and it's almost winter.

I feel I could financially be more stable and go to school than be with my parents. How do I get out of here and take care of myself? I have my own car and my license so I can work just about anywhere and I'm going to apply to the alternative school so I can work full time. Is this a good idea?

By anon275193 — On Jun 16, 2012

I am 16 and have a baby. My step father is trying to keep him away. He is over 18 but I gave consent. I want to be emancipated. Can you be with a baby?

By anon262907 — On Apr 21, 2012

I don't know if anyone really reads these comments, however in hopes that some of you may, I want to share something.

I was abused until I turned 18. I was physically, emotionally and sexually abused. Once I left though, things didn't really get much easier. They got harder. I moved out with my boyfriend, which seemed like such a good idea at the time (wrong).

I'm older now, married and have a family of my own. But something I realize now is that if I had made better life choices I could have had it much easier. I'm in college now and it kind of stinks starting your career at 30 years old. I love my children and want to give them everything, however feel I cheated them by not waiting to have kids.

In hindsight, if I could change one thing, I would have gone into foster care at a younger age and had more possibilities. There are people in FC who really do want to make a difference. They aren't easy to find, but they are there.

My husband and I work with young people and have been talking about doing foster care. Now more than ever I know in my heart that is the right step for our family. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and my heart goes out to you.

By anon258206 — On Mar 31, 2012

I have a daughter who will graduate high school at sixteen. She got there because of a grade skip in elementary, and from compressing four years of credits into three using summer sessions. She is godawful bright and quite level-headed.

I told her I was interested in giving her legal emancipation to allow her unlimited freedom of movement and immunity from curfew, so she can work her way through college. Is this even possible?

By anon252463 — On Mar 05, 2012

I'm 16 years old and graduating high school. But my parents won't let me go off to college like I'm planning; they want me to wait. My family is not dysfunctional and I'm not disrespecting my parents in any way, I just feel held back and if I want to go to college, I should be able to.

They don't want to help me financially so either way, I'm on my own. I work a part time job also. I'm ready to get into college. Would I be declined of this request?

By anon249726 — On Feb 21, 2012

I am a mother of a 20 year old, who in most ways is considered emancipated, however, I am still legally responsible for her medical bills until she turns 21. My question is, how do I emancipate myself from that responsibility? The reason: She is a drug user.

When she gets caught, she checks herself into rehab, and the felonies are dropped. It is a game. I cannot afford to keep paying for rehab simply so she can stay out of jail. I paid for 30 day inpatient, and six months of outpatient plus suboxone, only to find out she had been using all along and selling the suboxone. Probation is about to send her back to rehab and I am required by law to pay for it. The rehab told me not to go into debt for her, but I am required to by law.

My issue is that she is not serious about it. If she were, I would not be making this post. All of this was because I was told by police that once she turned 16 I could not enforce rules on her and she could essentially do as she pleased. What options do parents have?

By marley91295 — On Feb 14, 2012

I live in Casper, Wyoming and me and my mom got in a fight and I got kicked out about four months ago. I slept in my buddy's basement but have been recently kicked out. I then moved into my buddy's house under the condition of I have to go to school. I have poor grades and I got one credit this year in high school and next year will have to retake the ninth grade. I want to get my g.e.d and have my parents sign me off for the navy or army but I'm only sixteen. I'm going to get kicked out of my buddies house today or tomorrow. What should I do?

By anon245336 — On Feb 04, 2012

I am 16, almost 17. My mom has been an alcoholic my entire life until very recently. I don't live with her and haven't for over a year. She doesn't buy me anything, give me money, provide transportation for me to and from school, etc. But she keeps claiming me on her tax forms, receiving a hundred dollars a month for food stamps and a thousand dollars a year on her tax return. Just doesn't seem fair to me.

By anon244851 — On Feb 03, 2012

I'm almost 17 and will soon graduate high school. I have a 10 month old daughter and live with my parents, which is really hard. The father is sill around and we are even engaged, but my parents are controlling and completely against us living together.

He is 17, but has to find his own place soon because his mom is moving and told him he has to find somewhere else to go. She cares nothing about him possibly being homeless because nobody will let him rent since he's under 18.

How can we be emancipated and get married? How can we get an apartment safe enough for our daughter?

By anon244449 — On Feb 01, 2012

I really want to be emancipated. I'm 15 years old living in the state of West Virginia. My mom has a drug problem and anger problems she takes her anger out on me all the time non stop. My father is incarcerated. I get a disability check from him since he gets one. I really want to move out on my own and get emancipated. I'm currently in school and employed. Can I be emancipated?

By anon243632 — On Jan 28, 2012

There are a lot of serious problems, and then a lot of brats. Hey brats, read someone's story who is a lot worse off than you, and look up the word "ungrateful" in the dictionary, then cut out a photo of yourself and tape it there beside of that word. Be grateful you are not in the worst situations.

By anon239267 — On Jan 08, 2012

I have been abused a few times but I love my parents and don't want them to lose their jobs and I have 2 younger sisters who have never been touched and are happy so I don't want them to be taken away, or put through any of it but I need to do something. What do I do?

By anon232747 — On Dec 02, 2011

I am 17 years old and a soon to be high school graduate. I have been working three jobs since the age of 15. I have my own place and my own car. I am not emancipated from my parents and do not plan on it. I turn 18 in less that six months.

I have a brother who is 9 and I have raised him since he came home from the hospital. I will not say what happened to our mother and fathers. I plan on attending college but do not want to leave him behind. Is there any way that I can get full custody of him? I know that he is too young to be emancipated and I will not place him in foster care. He is my world and I cannot for any reason leave him.

By anon232463 — On Nov 30, 2011

I'm a college student who lives in difficult living situations due to the fact that I have no father (never was around) Mother in jail, and my grandparents (retired/fix income) can't afford to take me in much longer.

This situation has been going on since high school but since I'm in college now, me getting to school in and coming late at night from school, they can't handle it anymore and finding a job is hard to find or I'd have moved out a long time ago to better their situation and live with a roommate close to school.

Is there a way that the state can pay for me so I can find a place near school due the my situation? Please help. If not, soon I might move into a shelter and even that is temporary. God please respond.

By anon231903 — On Nov 27, 2011

I'm 14. My mom has anger problems and I feel like she chooses gus over me all the time. She has a drug history and I can't and won't ever forget about it.

My real dad isn't around. Well, he calls, but he is never really here. I know people who would let me live with them but I'm scared.

By anon231072 — On Nov 22, 2011

the law prohibits parenting so kids do what they want.

By anon228281 — On Nov 07, 2011

I am a foster parent and my heart is breaking for you children. There is help out here for you. I would take every one of you if I could. Please call someone. No one deserves abuse and neglect. There are people who will love you and treat you right.

Emancipation is not the answer; you need loving parents to guide you. If someone is hurting you, tell someone please, tell a teacher or call 800-4achild. They will help you.

By anon224145 — On Oct 22, 2011

I really want to be emancipated. My parents are so annoying. They won't let me be with my boyfriend just because we like to have sex, and just because he's a little controlling. They even took my phone away. Now they are mad because they found out I was sneaking around with him for the last several months behind their back. I think I should be able to live with him if I want to. I am almost 16 you know!

By anon220721 — On Oct 08, 2011

I'm 15 years old, My step dad has abused me, physically and emotionally. My mother never believed me, until he tried to rape her. Now they are getting a divorce. My mother is gone five out of seven days of the week. I'm doing everything for myself as it is.

Most of the time I'm at my friend Autumn's (she 23) house dealing with problems. I'd like to be emancipated because I want freedom, to be on my own, and I am already pretty much on my own. I am trying to finish high school (10th grade) and looking for a job. There is an 85 percent chance I am pregnant, and I missed my period. My boyfriend is 19 years old and on his own. He has a job and a trailer. I already live with him Friday through Sunday. So how do i get emancipated?

By anon217827 — On Sep 26, 2011

I am a minor who lives in a home where I am abused. My father can be sent to jail but my family doesn't have the money to keep the house I am in now. If I were to move out I would be able stay at my boyfriend's house. He is currently a tenant with people living on the main floor and the basement.

He earns enough for rent, food and other amenities with lots extra on the side for anything else. Is there a way I can legally move in with him? I also plan to stay in school so I can get my diploma and go to college in the next few years but my living conditions, although good in the sense of household income, are worsening and I don't feel safe anymore.

By anon217363 — On Sep 25, 2011

I'm on depression medicine and I have to attend counseling as soon as they call to schedule an appointment. I don't want to live at home until I'm 18. I'm only 15 but three years seems far too long. All of my problems comes back to my non-supportive family. They do want what's best for me and I don't have as bad of a life as everyone else who needs to be emancipated. It's just I'd feel safe if i got to live with a friend for a while so I could better myself with getting rid of this depression. Is there any way I could be granted emancipation?

By anon212328 — On Sep 06, 2011

I am fourteen and my parents make my life a living hell. They make me so angry and so unbelievably negative I can't stand it anymore. I'm trying to get my high school diploma and continue work so I can get a place of my own and become an emancipated minor.

By anon209987 — On Aug 29, 2011

I'm 16, with no job or drivers license, but there is another family I can move in with. I would like to get emancipated for the reason, I have a feeling the chances of living are getting thinner the longer I live with this family. Short and simple. I need an answer to how I will be able to achieve emancipation.

By anon203819 — On Aug 06, 2011

I am 14 years old, I am working on getting my drivers permit and plan on working at sonic when I turn 15. My mother has mental problems, she is bipolar and takes pills. If she doesn't get her pills she gets very angry and hits me. I still want to go to school and all that.

My father does not live with us and has a history of drugs. I have aunts and uncles I could go with but I would much prefer to stay in the same town and finish school. I have a CYS counselor because of missing school, and I do not want to be placed in foster care. Is there any way i could be emancipated at the age of 15 or 16?

I love my mother and father but I don't feel that I can live with my mother much longer. She has many angry outbursts towards me, she always says sorry the next day but it always ends up happening again. I don't want to get my mother or father sent to jail or in trouble for abuse. I would just like to be emancipated as soon as possible.

By anon172272 — On May 03, 2011

I'm 17 and am only a few months away from being able to be emancipated. My dad and I do not get along at all and last night we had a fight that got physical and without my brother to help me I would've been beaten. I really want to be free from him, but I'm kind of scared myself.

I don't know what to do so I really just want to leave early. I'm ready to face any and all hardships as long as I don't have to deal with him for another second of my life. Besides he sent me a text that said get out of my house.

By anon172081 — On May 02, 2011

i just turned 16 years old and i can't stand living with my parents because i have three other siblings and I'm the middle child, if you will, and everything gets blamed on me. I'm always the one who gets yelled at.

my parents will let me leave for the weekend because they don't want me home, but when i get home they tell me they left every dish they dirtied for me to clean. it's so unfair. for example, me and my three siblings could all have sat down at the same time on the same couch and my parents will point their fingers at me ask me why i didn't do this go do this and that when i have the three of them around me. i just want to live on my own. i can't stand being around near or anything to do with my parents.

By anon171253 — On Apr 29, 2011

I'm 14 and i just had a baby and i don't know how i would be able to take care of my daughter without being on welfare. would becoming an emancipated minor help me to be eligible?

By anon169363 — On Apr 20, 2011

I'm 14 years old and i turn 15 in june. i cannot stand my living situation and i don't want to go into the foster care system. i would appreciate if you would reply or comment with any options or suggestions.

By anon169277 — On Apr 20, 2011

I'm 16 years old. I have a mother who turns to drink when she needs comfort and turns things around as if I'm the only one doing wrong. My father has six other kids and I'm the only one he has to pay for. I don't ask him for much -- just to give me the time of day.

I'm so ready to do things on my own but every time i try I'm threatened. I've been told I'll be sent off and it's not fair. I can't even be a teenager because i have to worry about providing for myself by getting a job and staying in school in order to better myself!

By anon168966 — On Apr 19, 2011

Hello concerned aunt by marriage. I have recently taken temporary guardianship from a juvenile court of my nephew by marriage. He is 16 years old and his grandmother, who is a senior, cannot handle him, nor does she want him to return to her house. He also has a biological father who wants nothing to do with him due to the son's behavior and their own issues.

Because I was asked by several individuals who were trying to find placement for him because he had no one else and nowhere to go, I said yes he can live with me. I was under the assumption that i was going to receive some assistance in caring for him, but no i was not, as i later found out.

Here i have this 16 year old living with me who has a lot of issues like being two years behind in school, no medical coverage and behavioral issues, and i am not getting any kind of financial assistance from the parent or the grandparent to raise their child. The financial burden lies on me now because i said yes he can stay with me.

I was wondering is there any advice for me as a aunt by marriage on ways of getting some type of services for this child before he clearly throws his life right out the window and starts to become a criminal? I am trying to teach him the right things, trying to tell him to stay positive about his education, but how can he with so little support?

By anon168370 — On Apr 16, 2011

I'm 17 years old and I'm trying to become an emancipated minor. why? because I'm tired of being home when my mom and sister are constantly arguing with me. it's like every little thing turns into a big argument.

I've been dealing with this since i was a little kid and I'm tired. i turn 18 in january and every time there's a big argument i do run away from home and I'm tired of doing that.

I'm not trying to go to a foster home or group home and no, i do not have a job, I've been looking or one because i know that's one of the requirements for this program but i really need help and I'll find any and every way to get emancipated. i really need to get out of this house.

Or, is there any way i can get emancipated and still live in this house but choose to do my own thing without anybody's say so? please I'm crying out for help asap.

By anon168172 — On Apr 15, 2011

i am in florida 13 and living with my divorced parents who always fight with my mom blaming me for everything always punishing me when all i do is help my brother in college. He has already been in jail twice and she treats him like a king and my sister in college is so ungrateful also. If i had to i would live with my sis. I can't trust her, but she's the best I've got.

Also my father is doing a lot of crap because of his divorce. now i can't go to college. my parents try to hide they treat me this way, but it's obvious. i always come last. there's never any food here. I'm scared i might just snap and kill them.

Also people say I'm depressed. I try to hide the tears. It's hard, though. When I'm 16, they might kick me out. already my dad tried to kick my sister out for lying, which she didn't do. my mom, of course, helped her. my mom called the cops on my brother for something stupid.

I just need help. I don't have a job. I have to be 14, which i will be in a few months, but i have savings also. People are scared for me because they think I'm becoming sexually loose because i used to hate being nude in front of anyone and now i have sex with anyone who asks. i need help.

By anon167410 — On Apr 12, 2011

I am 15 years old and I live with my mother and step dad. But they are not the problem. Every weekend I have to go to my fathers house and i am emotionally verbally abused. And h doesn't let me do anything school related. and i looked up what he does and people call it educational neglect. also sometimes he doesn't let me eat or drink and makes me sit on my bed (but I can't lie down) with nothing to do. I get so dehydrated and hungry. And angry. But the courts won't do anything about it. Can I just divorce my father so I don't have to go on the weekends and just stay with my mom. i know two and a half days a week isn't much. But it's a living hell.

By anon166289 — On Apr 07, 2011

so i want to get married but my parents won't let me. can i get emancipated? even if he is older than 20?

By anon164162 — On Mar 30, 2011

I'm 17, I have a part time, minimum wage job. I support myself fully, other than providing a roof over my head. I attend school full time, and will be graduating in less than a year. I'm looking into emancipation, due to my mother's severe emotional abuse, and my stepbrother's sexual abuse (though, this has stopped because since he turned 18, he hasn't been coming to stay with us)

I am one of four kids, and I am the only one to get punished, which can be vouched for by my siblings and grandmother. I'm just not sure what my first step should be.

By anon155882 — On Feb 24, 2011

These are very interesting stories. I as well would like to be separated. I've lived with my mother most of my years, lived in a different county, then moved. The next thing i know, DSS is sticking their nose in my business. This is where my father comes in. He wormed his way back into my life and will not leave. Since he has done so, I've become very sad. He's always bothering me and says he's trying to keep me out of a foster home.(yeah right) I guess i'll just pack up and leave.

By anon154694 — On Feb 21, 2011

I am 16 and i am a senior and i have been in an abusive relationship with my mother for about 3 years. No matter what i have done for her it just wasn't good enough. i can't even go to the college i want because it's out of state and she won't sign the papers.

I have tried many times to get out but i have always looked like the guilty one and I can't find a job. What can you say about people like me who need to get emancipated but don't have that financial stability?

By anon151993 — On Feb 12, 2011

I have a fifteen year old son who has been in a foster home for eight months due to his physical abuse to his dad and myself. We are older people who adopted our grandson because his mom was an addict. He now wants to stay with the foster parents because he can do anything he pleases and we have rules.

He says he never wants to stay with us again. what can we do? He is a suicidal child and adhd plus bi polar. we have three other small children in the house. We don't know what to do.

By anon151107 — On Feb 09, 2011

i was looking up this article for my (sort-of) boyfriend's benefit. his dad is a jerk and tries to control his life, but the thing is, his dad wants him to join the army.

he's going to enlist him when he turns 16. until i had read the article i hadn't realized that would grant him emancipation from his parents. i don't think my boyfriend realizes this either. when i tell him, i really hope it makes him happy. he's always sort of gloomy. so this ought to brighten his day.

I'm really glad i read this. it makes me happier to know that i can help him. i was staring to feel rather useless. lol *sigh* i love him and he truly deserves his freedom. he'll have to wait a year, but i believe that it will be worth the wait.

By anon151042 — On Feb 09, 2011

I read all the stories here and it is so sad. If parents don't want children then they should not have them. Once you are a parent, those kids are your responsibility to take care of and protect so wise up. Kids, don't let the bad things that happen to make you bad people. Let them teach you how to be better people.

By anon150658 — On Feb 08, 2011

I'm currently 16 and in the second semester of what should be my junior year. I'm behind in credits and intend to drop out in May to pursue a career as an artist. I'll be seventeen in June and I would like to become emancipated so I can leave the town I live in and be self-sufficient somewhere more suited to my cultural tastes and artistic talent.

My mother has suffered from severe health problems nearly all of my life, and has fought with me to make herself feel better through most of it. I struggle with depression and mild bulimia and I would like to be on my own to seek the help I need, which my mother can neither afford nor cares to pursue. If she agreed to emancipate me, I could then sign for medical releases, bank loans, etc. on my own, yes?

By anon148396 — On Feb 01, 2011

I'm 14 years old, and I've been dating my boyfriend for nine months. we have been best friends since fifth grade, and had liked each other for a year before actually dating.

My parents think we are "too serious" and that three days a week is enough time to see him, but besides that i have cheerleading and tumbling every day after school and competitions on weekends, so we don't hang out all hours of the day.

On top of that, they don't appreciate anything i do. I clean, cook, watch my brothers. i do a lot, and i have very high grades, and never been in trouble with the law or school. But I'm very depressed, and now my mother is saying that she is done with taking me to my practices, and that i can't hang out all the time. I never ask for anything except to go to cheer and to hang out with him.

I don't drink, don't do drugs. I'm the good child in the family. I feel taken advantage of, and locked up in my own house because I'm "too serious" with the guy I'm in love with.

i don't know what to do. i want to move out, tried running away and they wouldn't let me. I cry 24/7 and feel like crap all the time.

By anon147849 — On Jan 30, 2011

I'm 16 and I'm a teen mom. i want to become an emancipated minor I'm tired of my mom treating me like crap all the time. she's always fighting with me and taking out her anger on me, she hits me every time we fight and she doesn't help me anymore with my one month old baby girl.

She told me to leave her house and now I'm living with my aunt and she's helping me, but now my mother wants to harass me by threatening to take my daughter away if i don't go live with her.

i don't want to live with her because I'm tired of being treated in wrong ways and abused and harassed. i want to know what i could do to get through this stage and live a better life for me and my baby. i want to go back to school and find a job to support my daughter and me and be independent.

By anon142746 — On Jan 13, 2011

My daughter moved in with her dad two years ago, being brainwashed by him and fiance, (who just filed for disability) that if his child support was increased that they would have to sell the house and move to a trailer park.

After she moved in, the marriage took place, and as I told her, things changed. She wants to move back with me, but she said her dad would have her emancipated. Can someone just comment on this so she knows this cannot happen. She is 15 and a good girl. She is scared to death.

By anon141349 — On Jan 10, 2011

Many states do not have "emancipated minor" status. In fact, it is rather rare. This is a state-level legal status. Please, people, do not make life decisions based on this article alone. Just because an article is well written does not mean it is equally well researched.

By anon140663 — On Jan 08, 2011

I am a 16 year old high school graduate. I graduated in September, 2010, and went to a missionary school for six months. In order for me to graduate my missionary school, I had to go to Thailand for 3 three months to serve as an actual missionary with a group of 18-25 year olds, including older leaders.

I was homeschooled my whole life, I have my diploma, and a 3.95GPA. I am in Thailand now, and have been here for a month. I've been budgeting my own money, and getting financial support on my own. I have a month left before I go to the states where I can graduate from this school.

I would like to get emancipated because my mother is a part of a manipulating, emotionally/mentally/verbal abusive hidden group/cult.

She is extremely conservative, and believes woman shouldn't get a job, and get married as soon as they are 18. Even though I am carry strong Christian beliefs, I do believe my mom has gone a bit far.

I will be turning 17 in three months, and my mom still hasn't granted me the opportunity to get a job, and even controlled me getting a license.

My mom is a single mother, been married and divorced twice, and she won't let me live with my Grandmother, or my dad, eho both are willing and wanting me to live with them so I can experience life the way I should be, due to my above average maturity. I have never committed a crime, and have a clean record.

I do not believe my mother is the best person to be with, and live with due to her controlling and manipulating trips.

I have even talked to family counselors and my missionary school Leaders about my situation, and they both agree my mom is, in all respects, "insane".

I do not know what rights I have, because my mother would tell me my whole life that I was stuck with her until I was 18.

I believe my life to be unfair, and the fact that I have such a good education, and have been practically living as an adult for nearly six months now should prove my privileges as a human being.

If this cannot stand in the state of Washington for a strong enough reason to be fully emancipated, do I have any right to choose to live with my grandmother or dad without my mother's consent? (She is against me doing anything but live with her, so she can control me and use me to play her mind tricks).

Please, if anyone can help me, or talk with me about this, I am in desperate need of information.

Thank you guys!

By anon140574 — On Jan 07, 2011

@ 9516: Thank you so much for posting that! I've been debating whether I should post anything or not and you helped make up my mind. I'm 19, unemployed because I left the Mennonite religion I was raised with and that my parents and former boss are part of. I wasn't allowed to go to school any higher than eighth grade, although I put myself through 9 entirely on my own. Many take high school for granted. It's free and it's a pain.

Well, I've been turned down from more jobs than I can count, at least partially because I don't have a diploma. The cheapest I can get it for now? $1010. Don't waste your chances! My dad is bipolar. I know all too well what some of you are going through. At 16, I was court ordered out of the state because I wasn't allowed to be in the same state as my dad. I've dodged ceramic coffee cups at head level. I've watched a truck go over top of me after I had to hit the ground to get out of the way. Yeah, it stinks.

But one thing I will say: living like that has made me stronger physically, emotionally and mentally. I know of cases worse than mine. But I have also learned to draw on my experiences to help others and that's what I live for.

This would be desperately incomplete without a thank you note. Thanks to Pam, my amazing girlfriend, who has totally saved my life. thanks to my many other friends who have been there for me, even when I treated them like dirt because I was too depressed to care about anything. You have all saved my life more than once and I largely owe who I am and all that I hope to be to you! May God bless all who read this and if it helps anyone give Him the praise!

By anon139823 — On Jan 05, 2011

My daughter, who is 17, tells me she wants to be emancipated. What a joke! She has a part-time minimum wage job, and spends every penny she earns on crap like bumper stickers, junk food, x-box games.

She drives a car that is in my name. I pay for her gas. I pay for the insurance. I pay for her private school, working two jobs. I have rules, she breaks them, and so she gets consequences. Poor thing, she doesn't like the consequences, so now she wants to be emancipated.

By anon138316 — On Dec 31, 2010

I'm 14, turning 15 next year. my dad abuses me, and I have scars to prove it. I finally told my boyfriend of 8 months and he's so angry and upset. my mom does the same thing. I'm so unhappy and it's staring to affect my life. I'm adopted and don't know if I can get emancipated. it's something I've been looking into, just let me know if I can get emancipated.

By anon137983 — On Dec 29, 2010

I am 15, turn 16 in two months. I lost my virginity when i was 14 to a 19 year old whom I knew for two years. We were secretly together for that time.

I have a great family that i love so much. But my mom allowed him to stay the night at our house four to five nights a week in a row, on school nights.

He would pick me up from school and sports and I spent more time with him than alone. They left us alone together all the time, up together at night after they would go to bed. They say they didn't expect anything from us, we were both great Christian people and so is my family. It seems like my mom encouraged our relationship, as friends. She loved him and all of his friends and his family. After so long, it seemed like me and him were married, kind of.

After a few months of being secretly involved in a sexual relationship, we were found out. I lost all of my friends. He was sent to jail for like a week. My family pressed charges and got an Order of Protection from me to him: 500 feet. It has been a year since this all has happened. I am still in love with him, and he is with me.

Me and my mom have always had a rough relationship, even since i was a younger child. With her threatening me, and mentally abusing me. This situation with this guy has made it even harder though. I am very mature for my age, physically and mentally. People tell me i don't know anything and I just need to grow up and deal with it. But i feel like I'm in depression. I want to be grown up and live on my own with this guy right now. I know I am ready for it, regardless of what anyone tells me.

I've been applying for jobs, and i have a good feeling about a certain one. I can save up money and I want to get emancipated before I'm 17 if my parents don't drop the restraining order by then.

We've talked about me moving out, and I'm currently looking for a family member or friend to stay with for a while. I have done this before. I am very unhappy living at my house and with my mom. We always argue and fight and I am way too stressed out as a 15 year old.

How do i start the whole emancipation process? And what if my parents don't agree to it?

Please, please reply. I really need help with this. Life stinks for me right now. Thanks for reading.

By anon136917 — On Dec 24, 2010

So i am 17 years of age. i turn 18 next December. I'm 8 months pregnant. my dad has cancer, so as of right now he is collecting unemployment and my mom is the only person who works. my mom doesn't make enough to cover the whole rent and my dad unemployment check doesn't cover much either, so they are always late back on rent.

There is never much food in this house, and it's sad for me because i have two younger brothers ages four and seven, and they are always wanting something to eat so they try to find whatever they can eat. i am trying to hurry up and find away to help my mom and dad out in this house, and make sure my baby is able to live in a stable house and have what he needs.

i really don't want to get kicked out of my house because my dad and mom can't pay for the rent. so as for my age and problems, am i eligible for ebt and cash?

By anon136093 — On Dec 21, 2010

my best friend is 15 and a sophomore in high school. I'm 19 and a freshman in college. my friend used to live with her abusive mother, but was taken away from her and put in several group homes.

finally, her mother's sister decided to take her in. she has lived here with her a little over a year now, but she is very unhappy. instead of being abused physically, she is abused emotionally. she is made to feel like an outsider and is treated unfairly in all aspects. the best way to describe it is she is being used as a work mule.

my friend seems to think she would have been better off toughing things out with her abusive mother. this breaks my heart. our original plan was when she graduated high school and i graduated college, we would move in together, but with all this drama, i fear she may leave before that happens.

i don't know what to do. could she move in with me if i had my own place? would that be legal? could she emancipate herself? what are her options? i don't want to have to give up college and run away.

By a7x — On Dec 06, 2010

I'm 16 years old. i used to live with both of my parents until my dad decided to bring over my mom's son. he physically abused me but my mom wouldn't believe me and my dad did nothing about it at the time. then eventually my parents got separated and everything was bad for a while.

then my dad got a girlfriend who was totally cool and had a daughter. well eventually, his job was bought by another company and we decided to move to nebraska but i had a choice to stay with my mom. so i stayed and that was my mistake.

she was so messed up. she drank smoked all the time partied every weekend. Yeah, they were more important than her daughter. so then i was finally able to contact my dad and told him what my mom has been up to. i moved in with him and his girlfriend was pregnant. i felt awkward at first because it didn't feel like home.

everything was fine until his girlfriend got pregnant again, and then they both became very pessimistic about everything i did. i had a job at the time but was only 14. i could only work the days his girlfriend did, couldn't go to a friend's house, wasn't able to go to before and after school practices, and i was accused of doing drugs. but her daughter was the perfect one. the one who would never do drugs and that i was the bad influence.

it got to the point where neither of us could do anything. all we were allowed to do was go to school, come home, babysit and i had to work. i was the bad one. it was my fault that we couldn't do anything.

then my dad starting putting me down telling me i was worthless, stupid, dumb, i wasn't ever going to be anything in life because i didn't know what i wanted yet and that i was going to turn out like my mom no matter what. i got pissed and said OK fine. I'll prove to you i can be something with or with out you. once we moved the place was crappy, the trailer was falling apart from the inside, our neighbors were all druggies and looked as if they were going to rape us. it was bad.

my sister and i hated it, but no matter how many times we argued with our parents about what a horrible place we lived in they refused to listen to us so eventually we were ignored the entire time.

so we both decided to leave and run away to a better place that was safer for us. so we did. luckily we found two nice guys who were willing to help us with nothing in return. they took us to a bus station and helped us get going.

we arrived and three of our closest friends were waiting for us. we were so nervous and excited at the same time. our parents never bothered to look for us.

my sister stayed at her boyfriend's house then a friend that her mom knew then her aunt and uncle. i spent the first three nights at my ex's house then moved in with a friend i worked with. so bottom line- i got back with the ex and i am now pregnant, i have a job and i pretty much live with him but i want to rent an apartment. my plan is to move to a bigger town with him and some friends all rent an apartment together but first i have to get emancipated. would that still be possible for me?

By anon125327 — On Nov 09, 2010

i am 17 and will be 18 in april. my mom and dad don't care about anything. my mom doesn't buy food in the house, check on us or anything. she puts her boyfriend before us. she leaves every night and leaves us starving to be with her boyfriend.

she's kicking me out but i don't have anywhere to go. she kicked me out three times. she calls me terrible names and everything. i miss school every day because she don't care. i just want to be on my own. Please help.

By anon124718 — On Nov 07, 2010

@ comment 97: If your adopted guardians are doing that sort of thing, then you should get child welfare or whatever it's called involved. Child abuse doesn't fly here in the US.

By Takieyah Morrison — On Oct 27, 2010

I am now living with my aunt, six other kids and my pop pop. I used to live with my mom and she abused me all my life staying with her. I get treated different. She always thinks of me differently she calls me a whore cause that's how my mom was as a child.

She has me on birth control and makes sure i stay in school. She and the others in the house always mentally abuse me but one physically abused me. I've been raped twice. i have bfs (what teen doesn't?).

She doesn't want to buy me any clothes because I'm not her child. If i get emancipated, i won't have to worry about any of that because i would be depending on myself and my job and education. I can't be myself.

Every time i put something down it comes up missing or misplaced. i share a room with two other people. i hate being uncomfortable in a place where i lay my head at night. why is it that i need to feel this way?

Our family is breaking up and growing apart and i just want to focus on myself because i can't do this crap anymore. I'm stressing and pulling out my hair.

By anon121409 — On Oct 24, 2010

My parents are going to emancipate me, but I don't exactly know what Emancipate means. I'm only 16, and I still want to live with them.

By anon118947 — On Oct 16, 2010

Never have I been so disrespected and felt so lonely in my life than now. I am 17 and I need to get out. My mom is going through something, the change maybe, and she blames me for everything and treats me like crap. Everything that goes wrong I get blamed for and it's just not fair. I really want to leave and I'm afraid if I don't, she and I will lose that bond that brought us so close.

I am strong but weak and also carry my feelings on my shoulders. But I must say she is the only one that gets me mad and makes me unconditionally cry. Being emancipated or running away is what I have to do because I can't last anymore.

She expects me to wear a smile on my face but every two minutes she treats me like crap and then changes back into loving me. I can't do it. I'm trying, but I can't. I'm not strong enough. I have nowhere to go and I know the lifestyle of just making it will not suit me.

By anon114878 — On Sep 30, 2010

I was legally emancipated 10 years ago at the age of 17 to escape a childhood of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Despite all of the instability in my life leading up to that moment, it was the worst year of my life.

I still feel it was the right decision because the alternative, living in such a toxic environment, would have been much worse, but kids who are considering this need to understand this is an extremely difficult thing to do both legally and emotionally. If you think people don't give a crap about you now, wait until you're legally an adult, when all your problems become irrelevant because you have to pay the bills and finish school and work. You won't even have time to grieve the childhood you never had.

If you really feel you have no other choice, then maybe it is the right one, but you have to understand it is the hardest thing you will likely ever experience. I am now very successful and happy, but there were years and years of misery well after I left.

You think you can just leave the past behind once you emancipate, but you can't. Realize that where you came from will always be a part of who you are.

By anon110894 — On Sep 13, 2010

@#118: It's not about being bugged by parents. It's about proving to be worthy of an adult. You all have independence that we don't have, we want to have it, so we go for it.

We want to be able to work, not have someone have advantage over us because they pay for us. These are difficult times. I won't call it a recession, I call it both depression and recession. You adults need to really think about how we feel, instead of spit in our faces about, "You all need to be grateful for your parents."

I hate my mother because she's abusive, I want to be emancipated so i can live with my boyfriend freely without having to deal with her crap I was raped, and she didn't believe me, and I hated my mother from then on. You should be grateful you're still alive.

I'm 14. And you know what? I hope you suffer in life, because us kids, this generation at least, are standing up against what has been holding us back since America was created. We will work, change this damned country, and laugh at the old adults who said, "We can't do it" yet complain over every little thing.

You're child in a gang? Well, get rid of gangs. Death every day? Because you adults feel the need to kill children. So, I raise my middle finger to you, in hopes you see it, and choke on it.

By anon106379 — On Aug 25, 2010

Thank you #118! It's understandable to want emancipation if you are being abused. Most of you just need to get over the fact that you don't like your parents. You may think now that you can take care of yourself but I'm pretty sure that you have no idea how hard it really is.

These are going to be the easiest days of your life because you get food and a place to sleep without paying for it! You need to try to like your parents because believe it or not, having an ungrateful brat as a child has to be hard.

By anon105969 — On Aug 23, 2010

Oh my gosh, I am sorry. but what a bunch of whiny, ungrateful, selfish, spoiled brats. Give me a break. you think your parents bug you too much. and oh my gosh they make you go to school and get good grades and wow, oh wow, they bug you.

Are you kidding me? Get over yourselves. You have no idea what is takes to raise a family and pay for all that crap you are so thankful for. Give me a break. You don't like your parents? Well, get in line. Nobody likes their parents when they are teenagers.

You want to be on your own? Then go for it. You will be pushing a shopping cart, being somebody's go to girl under the local bride and be dead by the time you are 20.

Learn how to be an adult before you play adult and love your parents. they put up with your crap every day!

By anon98169 — On Jul 22, 2010

To this anon chick at the top. I happen to be married so I'm no longer under my parents' rule. I also have a ten month old son. I'm happy about having my own place and going to school full time still. And by the way, yes you can drive at 16 with a permit, for your information. So maybe you're the one who should get the facts straight.

By anon87865 — On Jun 02, 2010

I am blessed in that I am gifted enough to graduate at 16 years old, while still completing all four years of high school. I actually had a whole year worth of classes I did not need. With a GPA and ACT score in the top 25 percent in the nation and I am going to college hours away from home.

In my state, doctors can, and most often do, refuse all but emergency care to a minor without a present guardian. Although I do not want to, it may be necessary for me to be emancipated in order to live away from home for the next year. My parents and I are all willing to take this step if we absolutely cannot get around it, but it is an extreme measure we would rather avoid.

I would like everyone to consider my story because even though all parties are consenting in my case, it still feels like I am stealing my parents' rights to their child from them. Emancipation is a huge step that you really shouldn't take unless it is otherwise endangering your health and well being. (As it could it my case by preventing access to prompt medical care.)

By anon87622 — On May 31, 2010

I want to be emancipated desperately. I understand that there are people out there who have it far worse than me but sometimes I feel like I can't take it anymore.

My Dad is bi-polar but he never hits me or anything. He just treats me and my mother and sister like idiots. He was put through the same thing by his father when he was younger and I feel like I'm doomed to the same fate. I'm starting to act and feel more and more like he does. He flies off at little things and becomes really violent.

I have been diagnosed as a bi-polar or manic-depressive or whatever you call it and I just want freedom. It sucks though because I don't want to leave my mom. She's the only reason I'm still around. If she and my little sister weren't here I would be gone. I've contemplated running away and so now I'm looking into a GED and getting emancipated.

I would like to know though: will getting a GED have any effects on getting into a decent college over a high school diploma? I'm from kentucky and I'm turning 15 in seven months. I want to be a counselor when I grow up and I figured getting a GED would put me a step ahead. is that true? And will one parent's say have anything to do with getting emancipated?

By anon87374 — On May 30, 2010

I'm 14, turning 15 next week and I am going to be in 11th grade this year.

I don't have any problems with my parents but they are trying to relocate to Ohio. I really don't think they understand how much it bothers me to move in the middle of high school. I get good grades and if I got a job to support myself would I be able to get emancipated so I could continue to live in Arizona until i graduate? Or is that not a good enough reason?

Please respond! Thanks!

By anon85575 — On May 20, 2010

I just happened upon this site and I just wanted to post some information to help some people out there.

Although there are too many comments for me to make any individual suggestions, I recommend looking up emancipation and related topics and you'll find plenty of info. This should get you a general idea about what emancipation is and what qualifies you for it, but you should also look at information related to your state because state laws are different.

Now no offense, but to the kids who want to get emancipated because their parents are over protective, or grounded them for the summer, or something else insignificant, etc., you probably wouldn't even qualify, and even if you did you would not even know what hit you.

Do you know that if you were emancipated, your parents wouldn't have to help you, that they could kick you to the curb, and you would be stuck, with or without a job (if you had one), searching for a place to stay and your next meal, not to mention the fact that you can't drive anywhere (if you're under 16).

This is a huge step which i think only some of the people on here really understand.

To the kids out there who have parents that physically or verbally abuse them, do not provide them with adequate clothing or food, or are just not good parents in general, my heart bleeds for you because I know what it's like to have that pain, but as someone who has lived through it, I want you to know it will be OK. Do not let your situation or anything your parents tell you define who you are, or what you will become.

Trust me -- your parents are not the big and scary people you think they are right now. But if you are going through this, your best bet is to call the police when abuse happens or when your parents do something out of line.

Trust me, even if they say they will kill you, they won't, and you should buy a small tape recorder that can be hidden on you or around you so you can record their verbal/physical abuse and or threats.

I know calling the cops may seem like a big step, but if this is happening you should do it. They really are in your corner and are only there to help you. And once there is recorded proof that is documented in a police report, getting emancipated should be no problem. If you don't want to call the cops i understand, as a teenager i hated them too lol.

I do have another suggestion for you. Try to contact another adult, or better yet, an attorney. Attorneys have to do free or pro-bono cases every year, depending on different circumstances, and besides, if you call and talk to an attorney and have a real problem and plead your case for emancipation, do you think he will really charge you? No. He might say you should call the police, but if you don't want the police to know, when you first begin speaking with the attorney, ask them if everything you say is protected under attorney-client privilege, and if it is you have nothing to worry about.

I suppose I should stop here because this is probably a huge post, but to all you guys and girls suffering out there, remember getting emancipated is a huge step, one that should be taken very seriously so I encourage you to use the internet as much as possible because information is your best friend nowadays. So stay strong and God bless.

By anon85534 — On May 20, 2010

I'm a 13 year old girl who wishes to be emancipated. My mother is a dope-head and my father is legally blind. I do have a boyfriend who is financially stable. I'm asking to be emancipated. I do have good grades and never skip school. My life is screwed up and none of my family accepts me for who I truly am without criticizing me. Please help!

By anon84788 — On May 17, 2010

i am a 16 year old who is pregnant and i want to get emancipated from my mother. all she does is stress me out. we argue every day and i almost lost my baby because of stressing over her. she tells me I'm not going to be anything and my baby isn't, either. she doesn't like the relationship me and my girlfriend have. I'm tried of it and i don't want to live with her anymore!

By anon80955 — On Apr 29, 2010

i am 15 years old and will be 16 in about three months. i live in oklahoma. i want to get emancipated to get away from the emotional pain and stress. i basically already have to take care of myself.

My dad pawned me off on my brother so i live with him and his wife and there three kids now. i never see my dad; he is always at the bars or at his friends getting high. if i say anything about needing clothes or even deodorant and razors he flips out and says, "Well you'll just have wait, won't you? i aint got no damn money. Every time i got it some one wants it." i did stuff for him a lot before he pawned me off but he always called me a selfish ungrateful little bleep who doesn't care about anyone but herself and blah blah blah. He doesn't have anything to do with me and doesn't want anything to do with me but yet he won't let me live with my mom. i want to get emancipated as soon as possible.

i know i have to be in school and be making good grades and have a job and all that but i am curious about how much money it going to take to get emancipated. I'm going to work through some school program thing and get $2,500 this summer. I'm going to save until i get enough money to get emancipated. please help me if you can in any way.

By anon80828 — On Apr 28, 2010

I'd love to get emancipated, because my mother is a drug addict. I can stand it anymore! i don't want to live with my father anymore either, and no one is willing to take me!

i want to be independent and live on my own. i know most of all the responsibilities in adulthood. I'm 13 right now and i will turn 14 very soon in about two or three months or so. Soon i will be the age to have a workers permit, and will love to just be on my own.

By anon80143 — On Apr 26, 2010

my best friend just had a daughter. she is 17 and says that having a child automatically makes her an emancipated minor. my mother says that this is untrue. please explain this to me. -- Megan E.

By anon77740 — On Apr 15, 2010

I'm trying to get emancipated. my mom makes me pay bills and for everything i own. I'm tired of her crap.

By anon77708 — On Apr 15, 2010

I seriously need to get emancipated. she wants to send me away for all the stupid crap that goes on in high school. i really want to get emancipated because she always wants to separate me from my boyfriend of like a year who I'm in love with. so why should i go with her if in the end I'm going to end up leaving with him.

By anon77587 — On Apr 14, 2010

@ anon71531: I think you're blowing your entire situation out of proportion. There are many kids who have it much worse than you. When I was around your age, I felt exactly the same way.

I thought, "there's no way in hell anybody else has parents as terrible as mine." Frankly, I think you're just fed up with them being so clingy.

I'm sure they have your best interests in mind when they nag you about your grades. If they hit you, it hopefully is not serious.

Pretty much anything is better than being in a foster home. Don't do something you'll soon regret.

Also, the real reason I wanted to respond to your comment is that I also used to aspire to be a graphic designer. I can sum up my advice to you about that in one word: no. The unemployment rate in that field is hovering around 40 (Forty!) percent. Most of the people in the field are self-absorbed egomaniacs.

It may seem like an awesome job in theory, but in practice it is very ugly. College courses in that program consist of idiotic tutorials you can find online. Spare yourself the time and money and use your potential on something more meaningful.

By anon77258 — On Apr 13, 2010

My parents constantly argue. I'm sick of it and when they're done they always put their anger toward me for no reason whatsoever.

My father constantly tells me i can leave if i want this an alcoholic. my mother doesn't care what happens to me -- she just always gets mad for no reason.

i want to get emancipated because i feel that as a human being, you shouldn't be treated this way. no one should.

i feel depressed constantly. sometimes i feel i should just end my life just because they treat me like nothing. A 15 year old boy shouldn't be treated like this and shouldn't have to live under these conditions.

By heygirl124 — On Apr 07, 2010

I am 14 turning 15, and i really truly love my parents but lately i haven't been able to take their rudeness and constant yelling at me because i am someone they wish i wasn't. my mother yells at me for everything for eating a little too much, for putting in colored contacts.

no one understands me and they always have something to say about me. she always tells me I'm stupid and i don't know what I'm saying or doing. my father can be really rude, as well. he just doesn't approve of me as a daughter.

I really want to become emancipated. my boyfriend's mother is the most loving person ever and my boyfriend is the best. I've been with him for seven months and she would be glad to take me in. I would prefer being emancipated rather than running away and getting the cops called. advice please. thank you.

By anon73778 — On Mar 29, 2010

i am 16 years old and my mom is a drunk and my family puts so much pressure on me and i don't think that my mom should always be beating on me after she gets drunk. She calls me out my name and my other relatives call me out my name as well, but i don't want to tell my school because then they are going to want to talk to my parents and i don't have time for all the drama because i hate drama.

But i really want to be emancipated because i know i can do things for myself and do better if they are not around me with all the drama and all the calling me out my name and the fighting. i feel i can do better but i am attending school i have a job and i only work on saturday and sunday and sometimes if my manager calls me in then some times through the week after school.

But i am very smart so if you can help me i would really appreciate it. P.S. write me back please and thank you.

By anon72539 — On Mar 23, 2010

Okay I have a question. I turned 18 in october of 09. At school i miss a lot of days for what reasons and the school still calls my parents every time i miss school.

my administrator still threatens me by telling me she will file truancy or she won't let me graduate, but i have enough credits to graduate. All i need is two english and I'm passing both. so how would i emancipate myself if I'm already 18?

By anon71531 — On Mar 18, 2010

This article was extremely helpful to me. I'm 13 years old and I live with both my parents and my little sister.

I've had a pretty good life with them, but recently I realized that I may be growing too dependent on them. Most of the people I know don't have their parents breathing down their backs about their grades all the time.

My parents are convinced that they can keep on hand-holding me through high-school, with which I disagree strongly. I feel like they should just let me go.

I've already proven to them that I am more organized when I'm not constantly under the tremendous amount of pressure they put on me. I get better grades when they don't nag me, I have a better work ethic when they're not around. Still, they don't want to let me go.

Recently, I had an incident in which my parents were falsely accused of abusing me. The social worker and a few policemen came to my house to do an investigation, and though we had nothing to hide, it was a scary experience.

But the incident has surfaced past incidents: my parents do hit me, and they are always discouraging me. I love them either way, but the pressure is really beginning to get to me.

I've been considering emancipation for a while. Not that I'm afraid of my parents or that I dislike them or anything (I love them very much), I just want a chance to be independent. I am aware of all the consequences of becoming an emancipated minor; it's a very difficult life, as far as I can tell.

The job I am considering is a web/graphic designer. It pays pretty well when you have a job, but when you don't, it's tough luck. I know it's a pretty risky thing, but I think I have a shot.

In addition, I can show that I am financially responsible, as well as that I will continue schooling. Yes, I want to go to college. I know it's a long-shot, considering the circumstances (i.e financial issues, schooling, etc.), but I would like to give it a shot anyway.

My parents haven't completely agreed to the idea, mostly because I haven't proposed it yet. After the incident, however, we'd been getting into fights wherein I would threaten moving out and they would tell me it was fine.

I know this isn't reasonable because it was said in the heat and all, but I still believe that they would agree eventually.

I live in CA, a state in which the age at which a minor can become emancipated is 14, if I'm not mistaken. I will be turning 14 in the summer of 2010.

Do you have any suggestions as to how I can bring up this matter with my parents? And is the job I'm considering reasonable, or are there any others you recommend?

Thank you so much for your time!

By anon71255 — On Mar 17, 2010

Im going to be 15 years old in may and i currently live with my sister who's 25 but she can't stand living with me. So i want to move out.

I already have a plan for living. My mom will give me at least $1000 to live. I will get a 1 room house or studio that's around $400~$600 and close to my school, keep working, keep paying for my call phone bill $25 (I already work and pay for my phone)

but the thing is there's things only people 18 or older can do. Like what if i change schools? (because of the location of my house) do i just go up and say I attend this school?

I have a lot on my mind but i know i can live by myself.

By anon70964 — On Mar 16, 2010

My name is Kayla. I am 12 years old. I was adopted. I have been having trouble with the people who adopted me. I can't think of my dad as my real dad.

He has recently started to tell me to get out. Every day he calls me a liar, stupid, and useless. My "mom" told me that she wishes she hadn't adopted me and says she is only here because she thinks he might hurt me. She doesn't know that he does hurt me.

Sometimes he goes from verbally telling how unimportant I am to smacking me, grabbing me and dragging me or pushing me down. I don't know what to do.

I will be 13 in a few months and I was hoping to look into emancipation. I am responsible for my age. I get good grades and have taken babysitting and first aid courses. I don't know where to go. There is no chance of finding my real parents and i can't stay here.

Is there any way i could be eligible for emancipation?

By anon70548 — On Mar 15, 2010

I'm 15 years old and I need out of this family. they are driving me insane! What are the first steps to getting emancipated?

By anon69847 — On Mar 10, 2010

I'm 15, and I'm in foster care. I'm tired of living with these abusive people who honestly don't care unless we're around someone. i want to be an emancipated minor because i have a younger brother(3) and a younger sister(4). for their sake i stopped running away, drinking, smoking, almost anything that could stop me from going home or trusting someone.

now I'm in school, I'm doing good, but I'm still in foster care. i want to be free from all of this mess. I'm looking for a summer job so i can support myself financially.

But my question is: how long would it take for me to become a emancipated minor?

By anon68898 — On Mar 04, 2010

I'm almost 14, and my dad is a jerk. He found out a year ago that he got a family gene that starts around age 40 (my aunt has it, too) and basically what it does is a chemical in the brain stops producing, and the body starts shutting down.

My family was fine till he found out, but since then, he had abused me. He just recently lost his job, and my mom is freaking out about bills.

I absolutely hate the guy, but every time I ask to move in with my grandmother my mom says no. Would it be possible for a court to allow me to be an emancipated minor, because I already have a pretty steady income each week. I don't put money in the bank anymore because my mom started using it for herself. I don't even know the account number but she does, and I just recently started smoking pot.

Used to be suicidal, now I'm on antidepressants too, but I can't deal with this anymore.

By anon67567 — On Feb 25, 2010

I am 17 years old and in March, i will be giving birth to my daughter and i think it would be best for my family and myself if i were emancipated. This is only because our house is very small and there isn't enough room. Also my family and i have a lot of problems.

By anon67241 — On Feb 23, 2010

I am only 15 years old but I would like to be emancipated. My legal guardians are my aunt and her husband.

I do not like her husband. He smokes weed all day, and he always comes home and gripes at something. Mostly me. He talks me down all the time, he expects too much out of me, and I can't reach his standards, which makes me feel useless.

I am 99.9 percent sure that I'm bipolar, but when I try to tell him, he says "you're not bipolar, I would know if you were." I'm always sad, or depressed. I have anxiety, I'm irritable, I can't sleep at night, my thoughts race, I have trouble concentrating, and I wish I was invisible.

My friend's mom says that she would adopt me, and take care of me, and there's nothing I would like more than that, but my aunt and her husband would never let me be emancipated! Please, help! I live in Oklahoma. If it's any help.

By anon67229 — On Feb 23, 2010

hey if i got emancipated but then i wanted to become the legal daughter of my aunt then how would i do that?

By anon64474 — On Feb 07, 2010

I'm 15 years old and i have been in foster care. my legal guardian does not have a job or a house of her own.

I'm in 9th grade but at the age of 16 i would like to be emancipated. if i go to school and work basically and my guardian is not providing for me can i get emancipated by once being the system? Do you think they will let me get emancipated? I am ready to have a job, go to school, and do things on my own.

By anon63092 — On Jan 30, 2010

i'm 13 and i've been through a lot with my parents. can i get emancipated before the age of 16?

By anon62262 — On Jan 25, 2010

I'm 16, with my G.E.D, and i have a baby on the way. I live with my fiance and his family for now. He is working and is supporting me for the moment.

I am looking for a job, and hope i can get one. But my mother is a abusive and has a drug addiction problem. She would rather support her addiction then to support me. I am looking into getting emancipated for my baby. He will soon be my life and i will do anything to keep him away from those kinds of things.

By anon62223 — On Jan 25, 2010

my name is kayla. I am 17 years old and 30 weeks pregnant. I'm living with my baby's daddy at his parents house because my dad told me to get out and not come back. he has not contacted me for a month.

he is collecting food stamps that he and i were receiving when i lived there. I'm not getting any of these food stamps. I'm getting wic and that's the only thing i am getting for myself at my baby's daddy's house.

my dad is also addicted to prescription medications, and living off unemployment. his girlfriend and three kids live with him and they scream and fight all day everyday, including getting physical in front of his girlfriend's three year old and two year old.

i had to take the kids in another room once because they were standing there crying and watching my dad and their mom beat on each other. my mom is an alcoholic who drinks from afternoon till night time. she leaves my brother at night to go to the bars and he is 14. so i won't be going back to live with my mom. ohio has no emancipation laws so there goes my chance. however my baby's daddy's parents are going to report the physical and medical neglect, substance abuse around me and my unborn child, abandonment and failure to meet minimum parenting standards to welfare.

But i am afraid that i will end up in a foster home or even worse, back at my dad's house in an environment that is unsafe. I know my dad is being watched because he is thought to have been part of the drug trafficking that my uncle just went to jail for. how do i deal with this situation?

you may think it's easy to live in someone else's house without the care and support or even the concern from either of your parents. my dad told me i was a skank and my mom told me to go play in traffic on christmas eve. I'm hurting but i want to be a legal minor for me and my baby's sake. i can't even get medical treatment at the hospital because my parents won't answer their phones to give consent because I'm 17 and can't give myself consent. i can't get excused absences from school either because i have neither of my parents to write notes.

i would deal with this for the next ten months but my baby will be here in april and i don't want her around this.

By anon61614 — On Jan 21, 2010

I'm 14 years old from Maryland. Emancipation is nothing i am considering at my age now but possibly by the age of 16 or 17. I do not get along with my parents at all and fight constantly.

I have family members back in massachusetts who i could live with and plan on getting a job very soon to make sure by the time i am 16 i can be financially stable. I would much rather like to live with my boyfriend of two years and his family as they have offered, but i am too afraid to ask my parents.

My biological mother is an alcoholic who lives in massachusetts. I don't want to live with her, but i want to be back in mass where i grew up and everyone i know and love in there. Since my family made me move to Maryland a few months ago, i have been really depressed. I fight constantly with my dad, and resent him. He's never been there for me or tried to understand me and I'm sick of it, he makes me wish i were dead.

my family is dysfunctional there's a lot of fighting and my dad leaves, and doesn't come home for a while. I want to be emancipated at 16. But I know he won't let me. Can you get emancipated without a parental signature?

By Hosai — On Jan 12, 2010

Please help. I'm 14, and I live in Toronto ON.

I have been physically abused by my father since I was three. But now that stopped, thankfully, after I began puberty. So my mom hates me, for sure. She told me I'm the worst child ever, but I think I haven't done anything wrong ever!

I never skip class, I do my homework, I don't have sex, or drink or have a boyfriend. So anyway she physically and verbally abuses me. And it's worse at school cause I only have two friends and i get bullied and I am a social outcast.

I tell her these things but she says, "I don't care" and she thinks I'm lying. Now I feel really depressed. She puts me down and says bad things to me. And my dad says I'll become a prostitute if I move out.

On top of that my brother really physically abuses me, he gives me bruises on my arms and he shoves me into walls. I don't feel comfortable with that. I'm scared to do anything. I tried calling kids help phone but I hung up. And I don't want my school to find out about this.

I want to be an emancipated minor. I have a good friend who can care for me, but my parents won't let me. Help me. What should I do? PS. I want to still go to high school and I have a part time job. So?

By anon60061 — On Jan 11, 2010

I am 14. I live with my mom and step dad and they are extremely rude. my dad lives in another state, and I want to be emancipated from my mom because I dislike her. She is constantly yelling at me and never tells me she loves me!

I have been living in this town for three years and on my way to high school after school ends, and they are moving to another town. I am being forced to go and don't want to leave my friends. My parents divorced five days before my 9th birthday.

My step dad has abused me, and my friend's parents said they would adopt me, but I'm too scared to tell my mom what I am feeling. She would never let me be emancipated! Does it cost money? What should I do? Please help me soon before I have to move.

By anon59565 — On Jan 09, 2010

I am 16 years old and my past history is very confusing. I live with my step mom and a dad who hasn't even adopted me (it's been like that for almost six years). I can't drive yet although I have my learners and I am going to take drivers Ed. When I am allowed.

I have no job yet. I worked as a lifeguard during the summer and have made 800 in two weeks. I feel as though if I got a job (when my parents allow me to) during school for part time and could drive I would have no problem supporting myself. But the issue is my driver's class keeps getting delayed and finding a job is hard because my parents think I can't handle it.

I have been emotionally abused by my mother since the day she adopted me. She says I have lost her trust but I never fully had it in the first place. I did used to cut but that just made her even more angry when she found out and I have done this recently to loose trust (again what trust) to really hurt the family bond in the house hold.

My boyfriend who is 18 has asked me to be with him (engaged). He said I could live with him and his family if I pay rent which is no problem (I have a savings account) and he can drive me where I need to go.

I can admit that I haven't been the best kid in the whole world and I do make stupid mistakes because I am a teen, but I don't deserve to loose everything, or be yelled at randomly just because I ate the last cookie in the house.

I'm so confused with life and I spend my evenings and weekends in my room drawing and just playing my guitar. My story again is much more complicated I just need someone to tell me (call/ listen to my full story) and see if my case is good enough for emancipation.

Oh and one quick question: can your parents force you on birth control? I don't like it so I stopped and now they want to put me on it again. I really need help.

By anon58320 — On Dec 31, 2009

I'm 15 years old. i live with a very abusive father and I'm pregnant. i want to go live with the father of my child, but i doubt he can support me and the baby.

on the other hand my friend's mother has an extra room in her house and has agreed to support me and my child. but my father says there's no way he is letting me leave him till I'm old enough. what should i do because things will get even worse when he realizes I'm pregnant.

By anon58316 — On Dec 31, 2009

I'm 15 years old I have pretty bad home life. My parents are separated and have filed for divorce. I live with my mom and two brothers. My mom and my brother are alcoholics and they can be very abusive both verbally and physically.

My brother who is 38 has been abusive toward me before and my mom doesn't care -- she tries to protect him instead of me.

I want to get emancipated when I turn 16 in October. I have relatives who live close to me that I could stay with. I just want to know how I can get legally emancipated.

By anon57726 — On Dec 26, 2009

i just barely turned 16 and I've been here and there but now that i live with my mom and my step-dad, they do not want to take care of me. what can i do to get a job and become a legal minor?

By anon57291 — On Dec 21, 2009

I'm 14 years old and I have been emotionally abused for as long as I can remember. When I confronted my parents about how I felt, even got a counselor involved, they thought I was just doing it for attention.

I have cut myself, mentally abused myself, and have wanted to kill myself numerous times. My mother has called me a b* along with other words a mother should never call her daughter. She has also offered to buy me diet pills. I am an American however I live in Africa due to my parents' job. How do I help myself?

By anon56858 — On Dec 17, 2009

Why don't all of you grow up and live with it. Most of you have less than two years to go until you're 'legal' and you guys are acting like it's the end of the world. Suck it up. I dealt with parent issues for 18 years and I had it worse than most of you. Just communicate with your freaking parents. That's the main problem.

By soccer9 — On Dec 17, 2009

I am only 15 years old, will be turning 16 in july. I am thinking about emancipating from my father, but there are some problems. I had been raising my four younger siblings since i was eight. One is only four, so I'm wondering would I not be allowed to see my little brother if I emancipate from my father.

He has been verbally abusive since i was 8 and i am terribly frightened of him. I moved out this past January but now he is threatening me again to take me away and that I do not have a choice since he is the primary. I have been through sexual and verbal abuse, and need to emancipate from my father so that I can stay with my mother. Living with my mother is not a walk in the park but it is livable. I just truly need to know if I will not be able to see the kids.

My mother, her boyfriend and my history teacher have recommended emancipating, i just want to know if that is an option?

By anon56647 — On Dec 16, 2009

i'm 16. my mom's an ex alcoholic. i live with my dad and step mom. she's completely fake, she doesn't treat me the same as her kids, steals from my dad, and many other things; and i really am considering leaving and going to my sister's house. (mom has custody and she agreed.) i'll be 17 in March, and i want to get emancipated. does anyone have experience with this and can they give me advice?

By anon56441 — On Dec 15, 2009

I am seventeen. I do running start at the college. I do not get along with my parents. I have had a few jobs and I'm about to get another one. I feel i could make it on my own. My dad has threatened to emancipate me. I am to the point to if he does not, i want to do it myself. Can i? i have already looked into costs and i know i could do it. I need some help.

By anon56439 — On Dec 14, 2009

i am 16 years old, turning 17 on the 30th. I've been in out of dss all my life and really tired of it. My mom is in a half way house and has been clean for 13 months. i was wanting to know if i can emancipate myself so i can live on my own.

By anon55903 — On Dec 10, 2009

I'm a 15 year old teenager and me and my mother do not get along at all. I have been in and out of foster care and group homes since age one. I just moved with my mother permanently when i turned 11. things are not working out. she is trying to give me away to a group home, which i do not want to do. I would like to live on my own.

i have family and friends who are willing to take me in, but my mother just wants me to go in a group home. I do not want this. Is there anything i can do to help myself get prepared to be an emancipated minor?

By anon55880 — On Dec 10, 2009

i am 16 and i'll be 17 in march. i'm in DSS custody and i can't take it any more. can i sign myself out to my aunt?

By anon55421 — On Dec 07, 2009

my mom and i have been fighting for the past seven years since she married my dad he adopted me when i was 10 and didn't know me better.

I'm 17 now and I'm dating this amazing girl for 10 months and her mom has been helping me with a lot of problems from a parent's point of view.

I haven't lived with my mom for around six months now, independently without any help from my egg donor. as far as i'm concerned with her, she's holding me back in school because i got kicked out of a class and need to sign up for a correspondence class but she won't give permission and i need this class to graduate this spring.

is there any way i can get emancipated without their permission because she will never allow this. I'll be 18 in March and this is early December, if that helps anyone.

I'm really stumped on this and the class has to be finished online by april, so i need to be emancipated sooner rather than later, and as far as my adopted father goes, I've been in numerous fist fights with him and my mom actually took my brother and sister out of the house for a week at one point and said that we can have the house to "duke it out" and she's not coming back and left my dad there to badger me and physically fight with me which thankfully i was in competitive weights and was strong enough to hold him back.

But please, anyone help me. That would be amazing. I'm seeing a lawyer in about an hour to see what he says about it but if anyone else knows something, let me know.

By anon54776 — On Dec 02, 2009

I'm 17 years old. I don't get along with my parents at all. we are always fighting. Can I still get emancipated without my parents' signature? I can't take it there anymore. I have threatened to kill myself over them. What can I do? I need help.

By anon54281 — On Nov 29, 2009

I'm 16 years old and live in california, my parents are going through a divorce and it's not going very well for me. It sounds pretty selfish, but it has been really depressing for me.

I talked to my dad about it, asking him if maybe I could move back to my hometown, where I lived for 10 years before moving here, but he declined and got mad. He said that if I really wanted to move back, he wouldn't mind having me emancipated. So, I'm not exactly sure if that's really recommendable or not, whether I should actually agree to that or what.

By anon54238 — On Nov 28, 2009

Im fifteen and i live in wisconsin with my mom and brother. my parents have been divorced since i was four and since then, it's been hell living here.

yes i do have a boyfriend, but we're currently in a fight. me and my mom argue about a lot nowadays, but last night, things went way too far and i honestly cannot live here anymore. Anybody know more about emancipation for minors?

By anon54191 — On Nov 27, 2009

i'm 15 years old, and i'll be 16 in july. my dad passed away when i was 13 years old. After my dad passed away i was so torn i did not know what to do.

Now that i am up in age i've decided i wanted to move out. I'm currently living with my grandma in southern california and my mom lives in the bay area of california and i have a boyfriend and he also lives in lives in the bay area. I'm suffering from stress and the only thing that would calm my nerves is if i be with him.

And i was wondering if i could move out and go live with him. My mom gets social security for me and my little brother from my father passing away. So i was wondering if i could live off of the money i get. Because we get a check apiece. And if i move out legally then maybe they would give me the check too?

By anon53021 — On Nov 18, 2009

I am 16 and living in houston tx with my mom and my mom's boyfriend.

i love my boyfriend and we have been dating for half a year. I am getting a job for financial support and we want to live together. I haven't talked to my parents about it only because i don't know how to bring the subject up. My mom's boyfriend tells me that I'm not an adult and that i can't make any decisions on my own. he says that I'm just a kid and kids have no rights whatsoever.

I'm not happy living with him, i put on a smile and give him hugs and get along with him only because my mom is completely head over heels with him, but i don't know what to do. i am completely lost. Please help!

By anon52435 — On Nov 14, 2009

I am sixteen. I live with both of my biological parents. My father attempted to sexually assault me and I do not feel safe living with him. I want to be emancipated. I have a place to go and I have a job for financial support. What else needs to be done in order to follow through with emancipation?

By anon51954 — On Nov 10, 2009

I live in Indiana and i have a girlfriend who wants to be emancipated. She knows very little about life but she could live with me and my mom. She has been seventeen for about a week. I am sixteen. We love each other but her parents will rarely allow us to see each other out of school. I have a job and car and my mom is stable. We could provide a good environment for her but her parents will not allow it. She hates her parents and her dad is emotionally abusive. He calls her a whore and b**ch and calls me a drug slut and a fag. Even though I have been clean from drugs and alcohol for over a year. She hates her family life and desperately wants to live with me but the only way is emancipation. Is this possible? Please help.

By anon51457 — On Nov 06, 2009

I am almost thirteen. I feel that something is wrong with me. Like with my health and stuff. I am in constant pain all the time. But my parents don't believe me and they won't take me to see a doctor even if I ask them to. I don't know what I should do. I live in North Carolina. Can I be emancipated? If I was emancipated I was going to go live with my adult friend Kaye and her husband. They have already told me it was okay.

Another thing is that my dad is always yelling and fussing at me telling me that I do everything wrong. My mother isn't too much better either. I just can't take living in this house anymore. And I really didn't want to post this part but since it is anonymous I will. I think that I might be pregnant. Not for sure now, but I haven't had my period in almost 70 days, which is way too long, especially when you've had it for well over a year.

So anyway, can I be emancipated? And do my parents have to give their consent? And would I be able to be homeschooled and work as a music teacher? Like I said though, I would be living with Kaye and her husband. But would I still need to get a job? If I do, that is fine with me but I'm just real confused about all this. I had thought about asking bout this in the past but didn't have private access to the internet. I have a computer in my room now though. Thanks for your time!!

By anon50476 — On Oct 29, 2009

i will be 17 in a little more than a week. my family and i do not get along whatsoever. i never want to come home because all i come home to is either silence or fighting. i feel as if i cannot do anything right in this house. also i have been dating the same guy for the last three years and they do not agree because he is 20 and i'm only going to be 17. what would i have to do to be emancipated as soon as possible? please can someone help me? i cannot take it anymore.

By anon49486 — On Oct 20, 2009

Can you get divorced from your parents and live with someone else?

By anon47307 — On Oct 03, 2009

I am 16 years old about to turn 17 in December. I live in the state of Texas. I live with my mom and step-father. I am 2 months pregnant. Me and my boyfriend want me out of this house as soon as possible because of all the problems we have. If I move in with my boyfriend we will be able to support ourselves financially. Do I have to wait until I turn 17 to get emancipated? or can I get emancipated right now considering I'm pregnant and my living conditions?

By anon46981 — On Sep 30, 2009

Momto2 (Post 12) wrote: "My son's father and I are divorced. Can he emancipate himself from his dad and not me? He no longer wishes for his father to have a legal say in his choices." As far as I know, a child is either an emancipated minor, or he is not. Emancipated minor status determines the child's right and ability to live independently. I'm unaware of any jurisdiction that allows for selective emancipation. Divorce is hard on all parties, perhaps especially the children. However difficult it may be, it is important for divorced parents to continue to back each other up as far as the children are concerned. Using the children to punish each other is about the most destructive thing divorced parents can do.

By anon46976 — On Sep 30, 2009

For anon46647: being pregnant, or becoming a teen mother, is not normally sufficient for emancipation. As the article explains, the law varies from one jurisdiction to another, but usually the court wants to know if the minor has (1) the maturity, and (2) a sufficient income to actually live independently. Ordinarily, one cannot petition for emancipation on the basis that she will then go and apply for social security. I hope this helps.

By anon46647 — On Sep 27, 2009

I am 15 and pregnant. I am due in nov. will I be emancipated when my son is born? my mother gets social security for me and my brother from my dad passing. am i entitled to that check?

By pollick — On Sep 22, 2009

This answer is for Kayla. Once a person reaches the age of majority in his or her state, generally 18, then he or she can be considered a legal adult. In that sense, you are no longer under the authority of legal guardians and you could move out, become employed, get married, join the military or whatever. At age 18, you have all of those rights. However, many people turn 18 before completing high school, so it's often in their best interest to continue living under some authority until they receive their diplomas. Legal emancipation laws only apply to people who are still under the age of 18 and have the ability to live independently. You are no longer subject to those laws now that you're 18, but you may want to consider all of your options before moving out.

By anon45718 — On Sep 19, 2009

My names kayla, im turning 18 in 4 days and I'm still in high school. do I have to be legally emancipated because I'm still in high school or can I just tell my legal guardians i'm moving out?

By anon44987 — On Sep 12, 2009

Hi, I'm 17. I won't be 18 for nine more months. And I don't think I can take it anymore. I hate this place. I hate my life. My dad is a jerk. My stepmom is an evil witch. I have bunches of sisters and brothers and they're all lame. I'm just sick of this place. I've been here too long. I hate my job. I hate all of these people. I want to drive away so far until my car won't drive anymore. But I doubt my Dad would sign for this right.

By anon44496 — On Sep 08, 2009

I am 17 years old. I was kicked out of my mother's house when i was 16. i was living with a friend of mine and it was horrible. i moved in with my dad in Florida for six weeks but that didn't work out. he sent me back to Indiana. As of right now i have been living with my aunt and doing a lot better. I have a job and have almost paid off my car. My parents still have legal custody of me even though i have been on my own for over a year. I want to be emancipated so me and my boyfriend can move far away from all these people. I don't like living off my aunt. I just want to be independent and live my life without my controlling, abusive, and non caring family.

By anon43649 — On Aug 31, 2009

I am 17 years old and a senior in high school. i don't turn 18 until next april but i want to try and get of of my house as soon as possible. I live with my mom, stepdad and four of my brothers and sisters. my mother is bipolar and she and I have been constantly arguing and fighting which turns the whole family against me. i do not feel comfortable or safe in my home and it is getting in the way of my schooling. i have people i can live with but my parents won't agree to me getting emancipated. what can i do?

By anon43457 — On Aug 28, 2009

My son wants to move back in with me. He is 17 and currently being forced to live with his very controlling, emotionally damaging father due to the fact that he is in the military. His father is constantly threatening him of a PINS Petition. My son does not abuse drugs or drink. He has not broken any laws and has never hurt anyone but he claims that his military status can make things happen. My son states that if family court sides with him because of his military status, that he wants to become an emancipated minor. But he still wants to move in with me. How will this affect things? How will all of these documents affect my son in the future? Will he be able to enter into the military? or any State or Federal job? I have no money for an attorney. I have two older children that I am trying to put through college. This is my baby and I feel as though I am letting him down. I don't have the money to pay for another apartment just for him.

By anon41066 — On Aug 12, 2009

I am 15 years old and this morning my stepdad grounded me for 3 years because in the middle of the night he went in my room and i wasn't there so he thought i snuck out, but i was in the bathroom because there was a cricket in my room and i'm scared of them and also i saw a black widow on my wall so i grabbed my pillow and a towel and went into my bathroom and put a towel in the bottom of the tub and slept there and when i told him he said, "i don't f*ng care. you weren't in your room and i know you didn't sleep in the tub you f*ng liar." and i think that is a good enough reason to get emancipated from my parents. what do you think? i need advice. Help me!

By anon40802 — On Aug 11, 2009

I'm a 16 year old turning 17 next spring. I am currently starting my junior year in high school and I'm living with my dad and step mom down in Florida. My dad and mom divorced when I was 12 and I no longer am in contact much with my mother but I'm staying with my dad. I have been having very tough times in home now with my family. I feel that the family structure I live in now is going to hurt me later on down the road and I feel the need that if I get emancipated and go live with my two uncles and grandma I could have a better chance in life. I have a job working with my uncle and it's steady, the family structure I have with them is very well, and is very encouraging unlike my parents. I was wondering how I would go out about getting emancipated.

By anon40249 — On Aug 07, 2009

i am 14 years old. a couple days ago my parents grounded me for the whole rest of the summer. i think this qualifies as abusive behavior and i was wondering if this would qualify me to become an emancipated minor. i am way smarter than my dumb old parents so i think that will help me become emancipated. i don't have a job yet but i'm pretty sure it can't be that hard. please give me advice on how to become emancipated so i can get back at my parents for grounding me. thank you in advance.

By anon39801 — On Aug 04, 2009

I have a few questions, too. i am 16 almost 17. i am a junior in high school and i have a job and a car. i have been getting abused physically and emotionally by my grandmother who has had legal custody of me for years. we have had the police and dhs involved but nothing has happened. emancipation seems like the only way out of this. i have run away before but that didn't help. all it did was make it worse. i live in florida and really need advice. can you help?

By anon39528 — On Aug 02, 2009

I am 14 years old and my dad currently doesn't live with us anymore. he doesn't get paid and my moms paycheck doesn't cover all the bill. I am verbally and sometimes physically abused by my brother and mother, and I was wondering if I could be emancipated.

By anon38714 — On Jul 28, 2009

I am sixteen and will be seventeen in the spring. I plan to graduate high school early, in my junior year, attend college, hopefully play softball, then I've thought about joining the peace corps. Being seventeen and graduating there is a possibility my dad won't let me leave for college, and I will have to attend the community college for a year.

My father is also very verbally abusive and occasionally physical. I would like to start working for emancipation as soon as I can. But I'm not sure the best way to go about it. What do I need to do to make this a successful plan for myself?

By anon37543 — On Jul 20, 2009

Im 16 years old my dad doesn't do anything for me but take me and pick up from work and tell me what to do. But i don't live with him. he don't even take care of me. what do i do? what can i file for?

By anon37230 — On Jul 17, 2009

hi, im 14 years old and i want to have a future in track and field. The place were i practice is very far from were i live, and my parents can't drive me everyday. I want to get ahead of the game so i can achieve my goal of someday becoming a track and field star. I was wondering if i could get emancipated for this reason?

By anon37202 — On Jul 17, 2009

My 16 year old daughter is pregnant. Her father and I are divorced. She lives with me. She does not have a job and baby daddy can't afford to support the child so I'll be supporting both my daugther and her baby. She has not broached the subject of emancipation. My oldest daughter, who is 26, says my ex won't have to pay child support anymore because my youngest will be emancipated. Correct me if I'm wrong but to become emancipated 1) she'd have to be able to financially support herself and her child and 2) emancipation is court process?

By anon36097 — On Jul 09, 2009

In reference to 37 (Thilton5). She needs to go to the courthouse and request the paperwork. She should ask her father to sign otherwise she can take the paperwork in without his signature, and the court will schedule a hearing to determine if this arrangement is necessary. I myself am an emancipated minor.. Good luck.

By thilton5 — On Jun 19, 2009

I know a 17yr old girl who is going to turn 18 in december. Her mother passed away from cancer two years ago in august. Her parents were divorced. Her and her mother lived Emancipation of minor in virginia. After her mothers death she had to move to Illinois to live with her alcoholic father. She wants to return to Virginia to finish her schooling and she would be living with her best friend and her parents. Her best friends' parents really want her to come and live with her. Her father who is verbally abusive and just recently physical abusive has told her she can go but she is not 18 yet. She wants to apply for Emancipation. She fears her father will try to stop her. What does she need to do for Emancipation?

By cansasallan — On Jun 10, 2009

i'm 14 and my girlfriend is 16. we have a baby who is going to be a year in july, she is unhappy living with her parents and so am i because her mom doesn't approve of me seeing my child, but that's my decision because it's my kid. i go to school however my girlfriend doesn't yet. she starts next year, what do i have to do in order to move her and my baby in with me legally so her mom and dad have no say so over where she stays and what she does?

By archgaull — On Jun 04, 2009

I'm 14 years old, and live in Florida. My parents may be getting a divorce soon, and if they are, I want to file for an emancipated minor. My mom hates me and is always screaming at me for no reason, and has a job that barely pays the bills. My dad has no job and has been unable to find one, even though he has been looking for almost 6 months. It would be impossible to move in with my dad, and my mom would not be able to support me. I would end up living on the streets because my mom has no food for us. Can I file for emancipated minor? I can prove that I can handle finances, and although my grades are low, I am very smart.

By anon32555 — On May 23, 2009

I'm 15 years old and i live in the state of California.

My father who currently has us; me and my siblings has abused me verbally and sometimes physically.

I leave sometimes to go to a friends and to be away for a bit, but then he comes to me calling me a run away and then calls the police.

I have someone being my boyfriend who wants to take care of me. But he lives in north Carolina. I'm scared if I leave and my dad calls the police, my boyfriend and I could be found and he could be put in prison.

I want to know can I get emancipated now? Even though i don't have my GED or hsd.

Also me and my boyfriend want to get married soon, so can I if I don't have consent?

By anon32290 — On May 19, 2009

I am 16 years old and i am in DSS Custody and i have a child that lives with me that is also in DSS Custody. She is mine and i want to be emancipated and i still want to keep my child. How do i go about doing this?

By anon31760 — On May 11, 2009

i am 15 my parents are divorced. i am unhappy with both of them. my cousin offered for me to move in with her, but my mom and dad said no. i need a way to move in with them without my parent's permission because i feel mentally abused by both parents.

By Geanna06 — On May 02, 2009

I'm 16 years old next year i will be 17. I recently just got in trouble with my parents and now they're grounding me for the whole summer which i can understand. But do they have the right to tell me that i cannot get a job until i turn 18 and move out of their house? They are also telling me that i cannot go get my drivers license till i turn 18 either. I want to get a job so that i can start taking care of myself even if it means i have to walk to work.

I want to get out of here when i turn 17, but first off how do i get emancipated if my parents won't let me get a job so i can work for my money and provide for myself?

By anon31124 — On Apr 30, 2009

Okay, I am 14 and live with my mom. She is an alcoholic. She has a history of DUIs. I have been identified as having an IQ of 180. Could this help my chances of emancipation? Also, does a regular paying trust fund count as income? It's very high but my mom said that doesn't count as income.

By chamb5 — On Apr 27, 2009

My 17 year old daughter left home yesterday. I didn't hear from her until today and now she said she is filing to be emancipated. Can she do this if we don't agree and what should we do? She did not go to school today, but said she is going tomorrow and will stay in school and keep working. She is our youngest of 3 girls and making me old very very fast.

From Illinois

By tibby12 — On Apr 22, 2009

I am 16 years old and my dad has cancer and I'm not sure if anything is going to happen to him, but I'm trying to make arrangements just in case.

My mom has been mentally abusive to me my whole life (to the point where it has now caused me depression) and I don't want to have to live with her if something happens to my dad because I'm afraid that the abuse could become physical.

We've been to court because of her multiple times and the judge knows what kind of person she is.

I'm trying to get a job at the moment and I'll be driving soon.

I know for sure that my mom wouldn't sign for it.

Can I get emancipated if my dad were to pass away?

By anon29259 — On Mar 30, 2009

Hi I am 17 years old. My parents are over protective and I want to know if I can get emancipated for that? They always take my phone, that I bought, for the stupidest reasons. I want to move out! Can you get emancipated even if your parents won't sign for it?

By blahblah5 — On Feb 24, 2009

Hi. im 15 right now. i was forced to move out of state away from everything and everyone. i had a job, friends, good grades. my parents said they would emancipate me when i was 17. am i able to get emancipated then? i would have a place to stay, a job to go back to and the school i went to. i would really like to move back.

By rebeccaxoxo — On Feb 06, 2009

I'm a 17 year old female. I live with my mom and step dad currently. Although i have, in many situations, moved out temporaily due to the living situation in my house.. my step dad is verbally and physically abusive. 2 years ago he was charged with 2 counts of assault, although he was found guilty, all he got was parole, and was told to never be in the same building as me and my sister.

Within the First week after the charges were laid, he was back in my house, ignoring the parole. He still continues with threats of physical violence, as well as kicking me out..

I am constantly being verbally assaulted.. I live in a small town so a job is hard to come by, so could i get government assistance when i get emancipated?

By friendly96 — On Jan 28, 2009

i am 13 years old i am not treated like a regular teen my mom gets mad all the time my step dad abuses my little sisters and threaten to beat me my mom gets so mad that she tells me that i can leave with my attitude when my sisters get beat. i feel helpless. can i get emancipated?

By organicmom — On Jan 16, 2009

I have 2 children age 14 and 16. They are in the middle of a custody battle between myself and their estranged father. Due to this battle, the father is using our decision not to vaccinate my extremely healthy children as a weapon to force them to be removed and vaccinated. The boys do not want to be forcefully raped by the medical industry that they are old enough to know is not helping them. Can they be emancipated so that they cannot be forcefully injected with poison by the state?

By anon24213 — On Jan 08, 2009

Hi, im 12 going on 13 next month. I live in a busy household, and my mom and dad are divorced. My mom has a boyfriend that lives with us. I don't like living here, its just to much. Me and my mom fight all the time. So far it hasn't become physical..But it might soon. I feel very uncomfortable around her boyfriend as well. He always talks about things i don't like talking about. I never have any say-so when it comes to me, i always have to do what they tell me. I can't even say no to going to the doctors, when i know im fine. Now im both emotionally hurt, and scared, because all the years of living like this has made it hard to be able to open myself up. I would love to move out, my older brother did, and my parents were fine with it. Im good at watching my money, too. I was wondering, can i get Emancipated? And find a job that will hire me?

By Friend3 — On Dec 03, 2008

My daughter's friend is 16 and pregnant...stepfather is verbally and physically abusive (not life-threatening).. what rights does she have (besides the right to healthcare). She is

a full-time high school student and has a part-time

job. Are there any laws concerning pregnant teens/self independence?

By kvc164 — On Nov 30, 2008

I am 16, me and my mom just don't get along... we fight and argue all the time. My grades are dropping and im always stressed. There is a lot to my story, I had an abusive step father and although the marks are gone it still hurts. My mom and I get into physical fights and nothing seems to work. She always brings drama into the situation she yells, breaks things, and even takes narcotics when they are not prescribed. It hurt to know, but she had a messed up childhood and im paying for it! What can i do ... can i get emancipated?

By anon21991 — On Nov 25, 2008

I'm 13 years old, i have abusive parents

when i was 2 my dad left, i was put into a foster home until i was 5, my little brother who is 2 years younger then me, was put into a different foster home then i was, my older sister, who is 4 years older then me and has a different father then me and my little brother, was sent to live with my grandmother. my mother remarried when i was 7. i now have 2 stepbrothers. my real father has remarried as well, having 3 daughters, my mother won't let me keep in contact with him what so ever. my step father is very abusive, my mother turns the other way when he gets mad and hits us. i have tried numbers of times to run away, but every time i was caught and taken back to my home. then my step father would beat me again from trying to run away he has mentally scared me almost as much as he as physically

can i get emancipated?

By cheergurl — On Nov 25, 2008

im 16 and s hard living home with my mom and stepdad...its too hard to concentrate at home my grades are slipping from the problems...the police had to come and arrest my stepdad because he hit my mom and threatened her dead...what do i do to get emancipated from living at home.

By anon20678 — On Nov 04, 2008

Hi i am 16 My father has beat me in the past and emotionally abuses me because there are no bruises there was nothing that could be done. I have a place to stay that would support me with food and money, but if i just leave i he can call the police and say im a runaway im trying to build a case but i don't know what i need to do to prove all this any ideas.

By Anthony1227 — On Oct 24, 2008

I am 15 years old, and I currently live with my Grandmother. I was taken away from my dad by the police because he was abusive. And my mother doesn't support me in anyway. Can I become an emancipated minor? I have a job of my own, so I can kind of support myself and I already have a place to go...But there is one problem...I used to smoke pot and someone told me that I couldn't become an emancipated minor because of what is on my record. Is that true? please help!!!

By dagurl91 — On Oct 23, 2008

Im 16 and i just had a baby. Does that mean that my mom is still responsible for my baby since im underage and since the baby's father is 18 can he take me to court or would he have to take my mother?

By anon19877 — On Oct 21, 2008

if i become legally emancipated at 16 in the uk ... will i be able to sign my own release forms (for modeling)? and would i be able to enter into a bank loan and sign my own contracts ?

By momto2 — On Oct 21, 2008

My son's father and I are divorced. Can he emancipate himself from his dad and not me? He no longer wishes for his father to have a legal say in his choices.

By anon18787 — On Sep 29, 2008

i am 41 years old my 2nd too the youngest is 17 and 7 months pregnant, she will be 18 in january,, she can't get afdc or food stamps because she is a minor, what do i do??????? she has been living with her boyfriend for 5 years....long time....

By nasebedo — On Sep 24, 2008

I have a 16 year old that keeps running away because we won't let her go to parties and do what she wants and because she keeps getting into trouble. I am not sure what to do legally about and she keeps getting into trouble with the law. Is emancipation an option for that, because of course we are legally responsible for what she does and she is not our only child.

By verikon — On Jul 10, 2008

If a 16-year-old child of divorced parents in joint custody wishes to leave the state of her parents' residence and live on her own, and her mother agrees to this but her father does not, can her father officially emancipate this child?

By geneva — On Jul 02, 2008

Hi Im 14 years old. Im a teen Mother trying to become an emancipated minor. i was wondering if i become an emancipated minor will i still have custody of my daughter?

By anon14667 — On Jun 21, 2008

My 19 year old has left home and wants nothing to do with the family. I want to no longer use her on my income taxes as a dependent. Can she than file her taxes as a single filer, not a dependent? We live in Texas will she need to be emancipated through the courts so she can file her taxes and financial aid for college.

By dayet — On May 16, 2008

My son and ex wife reside in Utah. He is 17 and a junior (11th grade) in high school. He is planning on joining the Marines, signing up now with a delayed entry to begin active duty when he graduates next year. If he is sworn in now, will he automatically become an emancipated minor, and will I still be required to pay child support and medical bills?

By Lola — On Apr 20, 2008

What about a 17 year old mom of 1 and another on the way living with father of the children. Can she enter into a legal contract? Is she considered emancipated if the couple never married?

By anon9516 — On Mar 07, 2008

Stay in school, kids. Rough it out to at least get your high school diploma. If you think it's tough now, you have no idea how tough it will be finding a job without a high school diploma.

By anon7936 — On Feb 05, 2008

Yes, emancipated minors are still required to attend school. However, you can seek a G.E.D for early 'graduation.'

By anon2473 — On Jul 12, 2007

If one is granted emancipated minor status are they released from education mandates or would they be considered truant for not attending school?

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Michael Pollick
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